Comedy Store
Sam Kinison Last Stand
On April 10, 1992, almost a year after delivering that routine on HBO, Sam Kinison was killed in a head-on collision on that same stretch of arid desert road between Needles and Barstow
Tribute: Sam Kinison (1953-1992)
“SAM KINISON was absolutely fearless,” says Robin Williams. “He was like a comedy combination of Chuck Yeager and Evel Kneivel.
Friends Shocked by Violent Death of Mellower Kinison
They were the kind of kids to whom comedian Sam Kinison’s bellowing stage persona was often said to appeal–two young men, in their late teens, driving fast in an old pick-up on a Friday night.
Why I Wear What I Wear: Sam Kinison, Tastefully
HEY, KIDS! TRY THIS ONE AT HOME: Open all your doors and windows. Turn the volume on your stereo way up. Snap in a Sam Kinison comedy album, hit the “play” button and…